Books & Reports
Koch, Daniel (exp. 2011): “Training the Aesthetics”, in Peter McNeil & Louise Wallenberg, Nordic Fashion Studies. Under Publication.
Atienza, Ricardo (2010) : Ecoute…, la ville sonne ! (in press) In: Revue Autrement.
Atienza, Ricardo et al. (2010) : RéfleCT/Xions, autour d‘une "installation d’ambiance » (in press) In: Proceedings of the International symposium “Creating an Atmosphere”. Laboratoire CRESSON, Grenoble.
Koch, Daniel & Monica Sand (2010): “Rhythmanalysis – Rhythm as mode, methods and theory for analyzing Urban Complexity”, in Urban Design Research: Method and Application. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Birmingham City University, 3-4 December 2009, ed. Moshen Aboutorabi & Andreas Wesener (Birmingham: Birmingham City University).
Sand, Monica (2010) ”Rum i gungning” i ”Över gränserna”, Populär Astronomi, 8 mars
Koch, Daniel (2009): “Analysing Architectural Configuration: spatial heterogeneity as form, function, and communication”, in Urbanism & Urban Qualities: New Data and Methodologies. Copenhagen, June 24th 2009: Proceedings, ed. Henrik Harder, Thomas Sick Nielsen, and Jonna Majgaard Krarup (Research Conference in Copenhagen, June 24th 2009.
Sand, Monica (2009) ”Metod – om att gå tillväga”, i Konst och forskningspolitik- konstnärlig forskning inför framtiden, Konstnärlig FoU, Årsbok 2009, Vetenskapsrådet.
Atienza, Ricardo (2008) : Identidad sonora urbana: tiempo, sonido y proyecto urbano. In : Cultural Landscape EURAU 08, Proceedings of the 4th «European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design ». Technical High School of Architecture of Madrid / Spanish Education and Science Council. Madrid - Spain, January 2008.
While not all of the above are made as part of the rhythmanalysis project, they all contribute directly to its current formation. For the participants' full bibliographies, see respective homepages.
Atienza, Ricardo et al. (2007): RefleCT/Xion, from enaction to “daily enaction”. In : Enactive07/Enaction_in_Arts, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces. Acroe / French Culture and Communication Council. Grenoble – France, November 2007.
Atienza, Ricardo (2007) : Ambientes sonoros urbanos: la identidad sonora. Modos de Permanencia y Variación de una configuración urbana. In: Proceedings of the 1st Ibero-American Conference on Soundscapes. America / Spain Festival. Cervantes Institute / Spanish National Orchestra / Spanish Culture Council. Madrid - Spain, June 2007.